Monday, April 19, 2010

Automated Software Testing for the User Interface

Eggplant is automated QA test software that is...

 non-invasive
 technology agnostic
 easy to script and use

EggPlant is image-based – which means it can “see” the user interface, just as the human eye does. The difference is, EggPlant can test your software using a fraction of the time and resources.

We can test any operating system – Mac, Linux, Windows , Solaris, Symbian, Blackberry, Windows Mobile, KVM Switches
We can test any interface – screens, POS, command and control systems, air traffic control screens, smartphones, mobile devices.

Software may have perfectly written code and still result in inaccuracies at the user interface. Do you want to find the flaws or wait until your customers point them out?

If you need functional, regression, integration, load, user experience, GUI,Multi-media, Mobile, QoS, or SLA testing – we can assist you!

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